EX1076 Optimist Τρόλλευ -... 285,00 € Improved lightweight aluminum Optimist trolley with new hull supports. With bow...
Σύνδεσμος προέκτασης... 11,00 € This releasable rubber joint / swivel for tiller extionsions is mounted with an aluminium pin only.
EX940 BLACKGOLD 40 mm Boom... 155,00 € 40 mm BLACKGOLD™ MEDIUM Optimist boom (EX940). A stiff and...
EX1059 Club Optimist Sail... 290,00 € Optimist club training sail made of strong 3.8 oz. high quality 100% dacron sailcloth.
EX1113 Λάστιχα καρίνας 12,00 € The Optimist daggerboard bungy from Optiparts is made of 6 mm dinghy shockcord with red pvc handle to retain the Optimist daggerboard in it’s...
EX1215 Μπαλόνια IOD'95 43... 33,00 € The Optimist buoyancy bags from Optiparts are made of polyurethane coated nylon and are about half the weight and...
EX1063 Θήκη Αλμπουρων 54,00 € Heavy duty Optimist rig bag from 600 polyester with two compartments.
EX1471 Simple Optimist Model 25,00 € Simple inexpensive Optimist, scale model 1:15. Complete with spars, sail, foils...
EVA FOAM HANDLE, BLACK 14,00 € 36 cm long lightweight, thick eva foam grip, used on both the 16 mm carbon and the aluminium Deluxe extensions from Optiparts. This grip weighs...
Μειωμένη τιμή EX970 BLACKLITE Set 585,00 € 625,00 € The perfect choice for the Optimist. The BLACKLITE spar set contains: ...
EX1430 Μαλάκια πανιών 8,00 € Trim your sail. 16 telltales for dinghy sails (8 red and 8 green) in resealable display packing with instruction manual.
EX11150 Καρενοτίμονα GRP... 350,00 € Optimist school foils from Optiparts. Optimist rudderblade and daggerboard with rudder fittings.
Μειωμένη τιμή EX1217 Μπαλόνια IOD'95 48... 38,00 € 42,00 € Optimist buoyancy bags from Optiparts are made of polyurethane coated nylon and are about half the weight and...
EX1352 Halyard with EX1351H... 85,00 € Optimist halyard system as used on Blackgold Optimist masts.
EX1472 Optimist Mini Sail 20,00 € Scale model of an Optimist sail. Made of real dacron, with window, sailbattens,...
EX1314 Mainsheet Extender... 58,00 € Harken 40mm block on Vectran line with a safety snap shackle.
EX10786 OPTIFLEX-LITE... 38,50 € Large Optiflex-lite puncture proof wheels for Optiparts Optimist trolleys, with a diameter of 37cm.
EVA Foam Handle, Multicolored 19,00 € A special edition 36 cm long lightweight, thick eva foam grip. This grip weighs only 26 grams.