EX1352 Halyard with EX1351H... 85,00 € Optimist halyard system as used on Blackgold Optimist masts.
Μειωμένη τιμή EX1351H Ball Bearing... 51,00 € 55,00 € Hook-in block, ball bearing as used on the Optimist Blackgold racing masts.
Σετ Μανταράκια VECTRAN race 16,00 € Σετ μανταράκια για οπτιμιστ - αγωνιστικός εξοπλισμός Lacing lines for Optimist mast and boom, all in Vectran. Five 2.2 mm Optimist...
EX1354 Λαβή για Πίκι Optimist 5,00 € Nylon sprit adjuster handle for the Optimist. For easier handling of the halyard....
EX1371 Κλειδάκι Σκότας... 16,00 € Small stainless steel safety snap shackle for the Optimist mainsheet. Length 34 mm, weights just 16 grams. Not available in France.
EX1372 Κλειδάκι σκότας... 13,00 € Stainless steel 316 trigger snap safety shackle for the Optimist. Can be opened with one hand. Length 49 mm, weighs 20 grams.
EX1399 Clamcleat for Halyard 13,00 € Optimist clamcleat with becket for Optimist halyard on Blackgold mast.
EX1255 Κάτω Τάπα Αγωνιστ.... 23,00 € Optimist mast heel plug Low friction Delrin Optimist heel plug for racing mast
EX1256 Υψηλή Κάτω Τάπα... 27,00 € Optimist high heel mast plug High heel plug, low friction Delrin for racing mast
EX1338 Βαρελάκια Αλμπουρου 9,50 € Optimist top pins Optiparts Optiparts top pins for Optimist mast, which do not cut the lines, as supplied with racing masts. =set...
EX1353 Σχοινάκι για Σύστημα... 16,00 € Optimist sprit halyard line Replacement halyard line for Optimist sprit. 3mm Dyneema halyard with 2 spliced loops. This line can...
EX1360 Σχοινάκι Τριγώνου... 9,00 € Optimist boom bridle with ring Boom bridle for Optimist, 3 mm Vectran with stainless steel ring for mainsheet.
EX1380 Δαγκάνα Αλμπουρου με... 13,00 € Optimist Clamcleat hard anodized Optiparts Hard anodized aluminium clamcleat for downhaul on the Optimist Blackgold mast.
EX1405G Δαγκάνα Πλαστική... 1,80 € Nylon Optimist v-cleat grey Grey nylon v-cleat for the Optimist Blackgold booms.
EX1211 Δαχτυλίδι Αλμπουρου... 6,00 € Optimist mast sleeve Optiparts This mast sleeve is fitted around the mast at deck level and protects the mast from wearing.
EX1345 Ράουλο 29 mm HARKEN... 34,00 € T2 soft-attach block 29mm from Harken as used on Blackgold mast halyards.
Μειωμένη τιμή EX1349 Σχοινάκι για Πίκι με... 28,00 € 32,00 € Replacement Optimist halyard line with low friction ring spliced on.